Use PowerDesigner as a CMDB?
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Arjen Karelse
2010-04-13 21:15:33 UTC
We already use PowerDesinger and consider using it as a Configuration
Management DataBase. Has anyone experience with this?

What we are looking for:
- Import data from our sourcing partner. I.e. information about
applications, databases, virtual servers, assignment of
processor(time) , memory- and diskusage etc. And releationships
between those objects.
- History of this data (i.e. what servers or relationships do we use
since when?)
- A graphical representation of this information
- Relation between applications and business-processes

Thanks in advance, Arjen
Mark Brady
2010-04-19 19:51:29 UTC
Post by Arjen Karelse
We already use PowerDesinger and consider using it as a Configuration
Management DataBase. Has anyone experience with this?
- Import data from our sourcing partner. I.e. information about
applications, databases, virtual servers, assignment of
processor(time) , memory- and diskusage etc. And releationships
between those objects.
- History of this data (i.e. what servers or relationships do we use
since when?)
- A graphical representation of this information
- Relation between applications and business-processes
Thanks in advance, Arjen
My company has purchased an HP tool for this... very expensive. Had it
for 3 years and it barely does anything useful.

I can easily imagine PD doing this much easier, much faster and much
cheaper... but I have to experience to back that assertion up.

Hope you do it.

If you already own PD, it should be relatively cheap to try a pilot.
Worst case you use VBScript to export the PD data to a CMDB.

