Repository Branching v16.1
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Sean S
2012-12-06 19:52:56 UTC
We upgraded to PowerDesigner 16.1 a few months ago. We have some upcoming changes to our database environments, and this is prompting us to make some changes to the way we use the repository.

Looking at the online documentation, I see a picture of the repository browser with folders at the root level, and then additional folders or branches within each root level folder. See http://infocenter.sybase.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.sybase.infocenter.dc38093.1610/doc/html/rad1232023102523.html.

However, when I use the repository browser, I am only able to create branches at the root level. Does anyone else experience this behavior?

Sean S
2012-12-12 15:28:10 UTC
After further research, I've found that due to rules in the new version of the repository, I have to start over with a new repository in order to take advantage of some of the new features.
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